Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Day Two

As Day One merged almost imperceptibly with Day Two, things got more exciting in the Bates Mill Basement.

I always imagined that if I ever had a forklift truck in my studio then I would know that I'd got somewhere. Well it's not quite my studio, but maybe it means I'm getting somewhere close.

Wayne started his massive 12ft x 16ft graffiti piece today, and we all had to wear breathing apparatus.

It's 8000sq ft this space we've got, yeah, one light bulb should be enough.

The timber arrived first thing so I got stuck straight into making plinths, sawing up MDF - so we all had to wear breathing apparatus. Then Tristram, who pretty well knows one end of a nail from the other, built me a big screen for the film: 2000mm x 3500mm. I did a test projection and it looked good.

It's all coming together.
Mind you I still haven't ordered the graphics.
Must get on to that tomorrow.
so much to do...


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