Friday, January 05, 2007


At long last, here's the dance film from the show.

with thanks to Rachel Brooker and FortDax

Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Brief Moment of Certainty

It was difficult to get a good photograph of this piece in the show, so I took it upstairs. As this was the location for the chair film in the digital installation, Tempting Possibility, it is clearly an ideal place for it.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

the artists talk on camera

If you've been here before, this should be a better version of the rough cut of the short piece about the show, which still needs work, and a dub.

Well the pictures are better but the sound synchronisation, at the beginning especially, is all to pot for some reason - take it up with YouTube, it's in sync on the original.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

not quite over...

let's face it, it's never over this art business.

Here's the footprint of the Book of Common Prayer.

If only I could dig up the asphalt floor. This then leads to the idea that I set the whole thing up again but on a big separate panel and ta-rah!

The show's over

It took five days to put up and 12 hours to take down.
Thanks to all those who came by, and thanks for all the positive feedback.

The studio here is cluttered with all the chairs and plinths and pictures and tv sets and such, but I'm knackered so it'll have to stay cluttered for awhile. But worst of all I've run out of macaroni. So it's shreddies for tea [again]

There are a few more posts to come here, a few stories a few pictures. But not tonight.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Tempting Possibility

An installation involving three digital video sequences with three TV monitors and three DVD players.

They describe the three fundamental states of the universe: CHAOS, POSSIBILITY and CERTAINTY.

here's CHAOS:

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

the evil cart

This was the cart
that lay hard by the surgeon-barber's table on HMS Bellerophon.
This was the cart
that collected the dead at Culloden.
This was the cart
that wheeled the baker, who happened to remark that perhaps the soldiers should pay for their bread, to the guillotine.
This was the cart
that was pulled by young children in the dark of a coal mine.
This was the cart
that carried away the corpses of the plague victims.
This was the cart
that Boudicca's daughters were tied to.

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Book of Common Prayer

One of my installation pieces in the show:

We waited in chairs lined up on bare boards, the smell of prayer books, old bibles and furniture polish filling the air.

We waited, in silence. Everything would be alright, so long as our chairs remained in neat lines. It wasn’t easy, but everything would be alright.

At times the expectancy was so great that some girls would piss their pants, adding a pungency to the already heady cocktail of musty paper and beeswax.

The boys sat awkwardly. Like sitting on the sofa watching TV, between your first girlfriend and her sister, with an uncalled-for erection, and being asked by her mother to nip up and make a cup of tea.

everything would be alright - but it wasn't, was it?

opening night images

Here are some pictures of the opening night, which was a gas:

photography by Jim Bond